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A student sings into a microphone during a choral performance.

Alma Mater

Est. 1926

woman singing at podium

Alma Mater was composed in 1926

A song to echo through the halls

  • Proud the halls

    The Alma Mater

    The Alma Mater is a shortened version of the school hymn. The school hymn was composed in the 1913-14 school year by Gussie Schneider '14. The lyrics of the Alma Mater are as follows.

    Glory hast thou, might and power; proud the halls of ISU.
    Deeds that live in song and story, loyal sons and daughters true.
    So shalt thou in years increasing send they grads of honest worth,
    forth to bear with zeal unceasing wisdom's torch throughout the earth

    Watch the Big Red Marching Machine sing the Alma Mater in four part harmony.