Motto traces back to the 14th century
A tradition with deep roots
Gladly we learn
Unclear origins
The University’s motto traces to Geoffrey Chaucer's 14th century Canterbury Tales. The quote’s origins as the motto are unclear, but "and gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche" was displayed prominently in early versions of the University’s seal, with first known appearance of the seal/motto combination being on the cover of the University’s 1912 yearbook. That early version of the seal included the motto and the initials “ISNU” overlapping one another at its center.
As part of the school’s centennial celebration in 1957, both the seal and motto were modernized. ISNU was replaced by the University’s full name surrounding an image of an open book to symbolize formal learning. The motto was displayed in modernized spelling. A glowing torch representing teaching was added, along with 1857 to note the founding year.
Both the seal and the motto have evolved. Today's seal features a contemporary take on the elements introduced in 1957. The motto, "gladly we learn and teach," is gender neutral and community minded.